2018 is the year for changing the potential of the adoptable horse

2018 is the year for changing the potential of the adoptable horse.

2018 is the year that advocacy organizations for horses increase adoptions by showcasing the value and talents of adoptable equines.

Heart of Phoenix has been taking part in the National movement and contest hosted by the ASPCA known as “Help a Horse Day,” and it is not about a single day but about a shift in focus for the spring and summer of ’18.

Making the adoptable horse a part of the industry through clinics, training programs, lesson programs, shows and more, we are making the adoptable horse relevant and desirable to anyone within the horse community in Appalachia and beyond.

We hope 2018 will be the year you decide to adopt, and we are here to give you about 72 (the number of adoptable horses in HOP now) reasons why that is an amazing idea!

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