Let us compare riding a horse to driving a car. . .for a moment.

The problem we continually notice at Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue with those both in the equine community and beyond is that no one wants to move beyond their learner’s permit.

Let us compare riding a horse to driving a car. . .for a moment.

We seem to believe that the only good horse is a horse suitable for beginners; beginner usually means those without any real knowledge and those who want to pull reins up behind their ears and cause trauma to a horse’s mouth.

When did we get to a point we felt the animal should know more than we do?

Why are we sure we know so much when we know so very little?

Folks keep asking for “beginner broke, bomb proof horses,” and they hope to find a horse hundreds of times more learned than they are themselves.

We want to stay the same, to learn nothing. We feel we know so much, but most everyone I meet who has or is looking to add a horse knows next to nothing.

We want to keep our learner’s permit forever, and too many of us never wish to progress to an actual driver’s license with our horses.

We do not want to learn anything. We want this horse to know it all, asking nothing of us. Never to demand to improve as a rider, a horseman.

Can You imagine if you were pulled over for making a driving error only to explain to the cop that it was the car’s fault?

Did you know if your horse makes an error, the only “thing” to blame is good ol’ YOU?

Why aren’t more people considering improving their own skills before the purchase of a new horse? Why do they stop learning and stay at beginner level so often?

Why aren’t more folks trying to achieve more for their sake and the sake of their horse?

What a disservice to horses to require they stay suitable for only the most unlearned.

(Now you will not wonder why your new and once well behaved horse turns into a sour, fidgety wreck after a month in our care)



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