Is Manganese a Blip on Your Radar?

We bet manganese (which is used in steel production) has not really been something you have thought about often.

But it should.

A shortage of manganese in your horse can wreak a lot of havoc.

It can make the joints buckle, it can cause swollen or angry hocks, it can cause a mare to absorb her fetus, it can mess with growth plates and limb length, and it can inhibit the extension of the legs. It is also very important for helping to regulate carbohydrates.

But too much manganese is no good either. Too much can cause intense mood swings and irritability, body soreness, weepy or cloudy eyes and joint stiffness. Perhaps the worst thing about too much manganese is that it can cause the horse to absorb too much iron and possibly cause liver damage.

This is where testing your hay and soil can be extremely beneficial. Ideally your copper to manganese ratio is suggested to be 1:3. Both zinc and iron should be relatively close to in balance with your manganese.

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