Patrick King Horsemanship and Partnership with Heart of Phoenix: Saving the Horses of Appalachia

“If you have talent, use it in every which way possible. Don’t hoard it. Don’t dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly, like a millionaire intent on going broke.”

– Brenda Francis

We asked Patrick King to teach a clinic in 2016.

From the first meeting, we believed he was someone that the horses of Heart of Phoenix and the people here needed. All skill doesn’t benefit others; actually, some never will do so, and many skills are only self-serving, but in this case, it has been shared to the benefit of so many.

I feel sure Patrick has never worked with a horse and human where they weren’t given an opportunity to be better than they were before.

The talent he has created through mastery of his craft changes the lives of horses, and that is what Heart of Phoenix searches for. . .It is powerful.

And in the life I have in front of me, his talent proves extraordinary. I’ve seen so much more than most will, and I know when I quote this:

“Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.”- Gerard Way

I am not wrong.

I’m thankful Patrick felt horses and the people who love them were worth his investment.

I’m glad horses and people I’ve known can feel the impact of it.

I am so glad we found him all those years ago and continued to ask him to return, and that he felt ours was a worthy partnership.

Patrick King Horsemanship: Classical Principles for Modern Riders

Neither he or we have been wrong in that.

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